The Ultimate in Business Management Software:
User-Friendly, Secure, Scaleable and Customizable!
- A program that is web-based, extremely powerful yet so easy to learn you can be using it in hours!
- * No software to install or maintain on your local computer(s).
- * Secure communications, documents and file storage plus trackability.
- * Connect to your personal or company data anytime, anywhere you have an Internet connection.
- * Dynamic data exchange to connect with other software.
- * Client Relations Management (CRM) that is scaleable and can be customized to suit your business or industry needs.
- * True Read and Receipt Tracking for all communications and documents. Know instantly and precisely the moment your email or document is seen, replied to or updated. Read more...
- * Collaborative calendar, document, and task sharing. Easily create and manage individual or group appointments and work schedules. Innovative drag-and-drop makes changing dates, times and priority a breeze. Read more...
- * Secure email, document and data controls. Eliminate spam and viruses. Public and insider access to site information is controlled by membership permissions which means you only receive emails from people you know and trust. Wondering how to protect your company data? Read more...
- * XML data exchange standards. Integration with other software programs such as popular accounting and payroll or manufacturing design makes IntranetSites incredibly versatile. If we are not currently exchanging data with your software program then we will certainly do our best to make it work.
- * Centralized data management and storage. All staff communications, schedules, and work progress at your fingertips for administrators with powerful, industry leading tools. Read more...
- * IntraOffice® is an easy to use suite of web based back office functions serving as the foundation for all intranet sites including customized and industry specific ones. It has been designed to help any business, group, association, church, private family or even individuals manage their business and client relationships. Read more...
And there's so much much more, contact us now for more information or a consultation on how our CRM can benefit you!
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