Partnerships: Your Invitation To Win!
Let us provide our Web Based Back Office function to your business or your service software.

IntranetSites believes in creating and utilizing win-win partnership relationships. As we bring our web-based leadership management system to businesses across the globe and into a variety of industry sectors, we are looking for partners.

Our software is designed for any business that manage client relationships, communications, projects and manufacturing processes. Here is just a brief sampling of businesses that we are geared toward:

Client Based..Service/ Relationship Management

  • Real estate- sales/ marketing
  • Health Clubs- membership / program management
  • Real estate- transaction managment
  • Restaurant- marketing and client management
  • Medical records storage and management
  • Associations and organizations
  • Rental management

Manufacturing Business. Process / Work Order Board Management

  • Manufacturing -  kitchen cabinets / mill working 
  • Construction - residential
  • Land Development
  • Engineering- project management

Almost EVERY business can benefit from our Back-Office.

Software Developers - If you have created software to serve an industry sector or business type, don't add on an ajax calendar, a drag and drop task schedular, data grids to manage the steps and processes and reinvent the wheel - use ours instead! We would love to talk about integrating your software into our back office management system or integrating our back office management system into your software.

The benefits for partnering with us include:

  • Additional revenue from sales or monthly residual maintenance fees.
  • Greater value for your own clients who gain the benefit of our customizable client relationship management system.
  • Potential to expand your own sales through our client networks as appropriate.
  • An innovative development team with experience turning ideas into customized reality (Click here to meet the IntranetSites team)
  • Vested-Interest Partnership. Are you an industry Leader in your field? Are you willing to build a complete system with our back office for your industry? If so then why not help market the integrated product across the country! If you are willing to take the time with us to optimize this new, merged product, why not be the one to share it with the rest of your industry and thereby benefit from that Co-Development/Co-Ownership!

 Our basic IntranetSites package can serve almost any business or individual with:

  • Virus and spam free IntraMail
  • Collaborative calendar and task sharing that utilizes an advanced drag and drop function
  • Permission controlled user access, groups, and private communications
  • Intra-Look, our communications center, brings all communications into one management area
  • Easy integration with your existing applications using dynamic data or synchronized data via our Intra-connect xml processes.
  • Built in site designer to integrate easily into a website or blog.

The beauty of IntranetSites is that we can take the basic package and totally customize it to meet the needs of the industry or individual client. For instance, we have complex procedure capability for executing a series of functions "behind the scenes" such as dynamic order forms that create and assign tasks based on a triggered or entered data field.

Are you ready to joint venture with us? The possibilities are nearly endless.

We are especially interested in forming partnerships with:

  • Software developers
  • Owners of entire business franchise chains
  • Business owners with a desire to excel over competition
  • Marketers with international network connections
  • Entrepreneurs interested in franchise opportunities

For more industry specific information choose one of the following areas:

To Partner With Us - Click Here



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