About Us



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I wanted to take some time to share exactly who we are and what makes us tick. 

I am a person who strongly believes in the word TEAM. I have made. I was looking for a vehicle with which to accomplish this. I couldn't find one... so I made my own!  

Change is all about vision - about looking ahead and stepping out. It takes courage and drive to look ahead to the future and begin to make it happen.

Here at IntranetSites, we have strived to walk the cutting edge. We have looked into the future, seen the changes coming and stepped out to embrace them.

Years ago, when most people where just coming into the understanding that email would change their lives forever, our founders where stepping into the world of Intranets. Now, after using Intranets to their fullest potential and enjoying what they offer, we have become dissatisfied. Our founders began to see ways in which current Intranets were unable to meet the need. They saw how the current models could not... and would not go to the next level. So embracing the pioneer vision...

 ... we created our own intranet. And we went to the next level and beyond. What you see here is the future of collaborative communications












IntranetSites is the new standard for collaborating in the world today. If you have a team of more than one person with whom to share any common data, appointments, events, documents or projects, then you need an IntranetSite. You can manage everything online with our revolutionary web-based permiss controlled system.
You owe it to yourself and your business to set up an IntranetSite today.
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