Services / Collaborative Calendar

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Collaborative Calendar: Sharing Appointments

If there is one single page that is essential in most peoples' lives it is the calendar. Whether this is on the fridge or on the computer it visually displays your responsibilities or appointments for the day, the week and the month.

We take this organization a step further - your IntraLook Calendar can show all or some of your team members' events at the same time.

If you have permission (typically Admin or SuperAdmin) you can set appointments that work for everyone under your management.

Using the Calendar is really quite simple. You can:

  • Click and drag your mouse pointer on the calendar to create an event or appointment at the specified date and time. Use the "more" and "less" links on the item creator to access more options.
  • Move an item already on the calendar to a different date/time. Simply left-click and drag the item to its new location. Use the mini-calendar to move the item to a future date by dragging it to the mini-calendar.
  • Edit an item on the calendar:
    • Double-click to open the Edit window and options; OR
    • Hover over the item for various Editing functions.
  • Change the calendar focus. Choose from single day, 1 or 2 week views, or the month view.
  •  If you have permission to do so, you can view the calendars of others.
    • At the top of the calendar click on 'Viewing'
    • Select whose calendar you wish to see and click "Show Calendar"
  • If your intranetsite has been set up to manage work schedules, you will also have a toggle to turn on/off the work schedules on the calendar.

This is the Calendar view set to 1 week




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