Services / IntraMail: Email with Tracking


 IntraOfficeTM Overview

 IntraMail: Mail Tracking

 IntraLook: Dashboard

 IntraPage: Sharing Content  
Collaborative Calendar 
Project Management 
Knowledge Center 
Document Management 
Discussion Forums

 IntraCRM: Client Relationship Management

 IntraProcedure: Templates

 IntraScheduler: Time Keeper

 IntraCom: Message Delivery

 IntraSecure: Protect Identities

 IntraConnect: Remote Data Integration


IntraMail: Email Tracking

IntraMail is a revolutionary virus and spam free redesigned email system. With IntraMail the delivery risks of traditional email is gone because each view or reply is user authenticated. The only people you can expect mail from are those whom you know or have invited to participate in a dialogue with you. No viruses or spam to pollute your Inbox as with regular email. Even more significantly, unlike regular email you will know what happens to mail you send and precisely the moment it happens! 

This is the top of an actual intermail. In this case, an Intramail is also a web page on this site!

IntraMail has complete delivery receipt and action tracking. Once an IntraMail is created and sent, tracking on that document begins. You will be able to tell whom the IntraMail was sent to, when it was viewed by recipients and, if any of them edit/update or reply to your IntraMail, you can see that history too. No email receipts for people to ignore or decline - tracking is automatic.


IntraMail - This is power and reliability beyond any other similar form of communication. Proof that they saw it even if they didn't reply!

When you are convinced that IntranetSites may be able to help you then click on the 2 month trial invitation.

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