Services / IntraConnect

IntraConnect: Connecting your Clients into an IntranetSites Back Office

IntranetSites' Back Office Suite is available for any company with web-based or locally hosted data.

If you provide your data or portions of your data to our IntraConnect, we can integrate it right into IntranetSite's Back Office.

, this means your  no longer has to find or develop back office functionality as it is already there for you.

  1. Complete client management with CRM functionality; updated account activity in order for you to best manage each client;
  2. Interactive, shareable calendars; (your staff and even your clients if you so choose; e.g.: client initiated bookings)
  3. IntraPages - Blogs that are permission controlled for just one person or the world to see and interact with;
  4. Customize activity reports for your clients (custom development required);
  5. Your account management functions;
  6. You may be able to integrate your on-line automatic credit card processing functions with ours.

Save $1,000's and $1,000's of dollars trying to reinvent back office functions and instead just do what you do best.

No matter what your service is, now at your very finger tips you have one of the most powerful back offices available. When our IntranetSite Suite is INTEGRATED right into your own application, your customers will love you.

For example, lets say you have 10,000 established clients and you earn $xx per product, software or service sale.

Now, by integrating with us, you can EXPAND your revenue base with this add-on back office service.

, for each client that upgrades to your integrated back office we can share the revenues (e.g. $10 per month per client).

Some software developers are now making more money with their BackOffice upgrade than they did with their original software and there was no need for further development.

As an added bonus, your service is now available to other IntranetSite clients thus increasing your marketing.

Presently we offer 3 add-on services:

  1. YourPhoneLogs for Smart Phones and Blackberries - you simply edit you membership, adding in the service and the account number, and very quickly YourPhoneLogs is integrated.
  2. ChatMaker - the intelligent Live Person Simulation to dialogue with person on your website.
  3. IntraSecure - your cell phone provides an extra level of login security. You simply go to My Preferences and change your security settings. 


Technically speaking...

Our technical department can provide XML standards so applications can effectively package the information being exchanged. We can also work with your technical team, if necessary, to provide custom integration using your previously established data standards.

Communication between systems can be achieved several ways including HTTP, SOAP and standard email. Real-time transactions are used most frequently but scheduled or triggered transfers are also possible to facilitate partially offline systems.

The IntraOffice suite can be integrated quickly to any Internet-connected application. IntraConnect reduces overall development cost as well as deployment/development time. It also incorporates a variety of advanced API’s (application programming interfaces) that enable developers to build valuable features into their applications. We also provide developers with their own integration specialist support staff to integrate our services into their custom application.


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